I've decided to start sharing my book in installments. This will help me with re-editing and ultimately allow me to rip this bandaid off with a flourish. I was hoping that some publisher or agent would pick up the book, thus validating me and it, signifying that my work is good enough to share. This did not happen. So, safe or not, I'm sharing anyway!
This picture of a moth (butterfly?) perfectly encapsulates how I feel about putting myself "out there": hideously exposed, perched on nothing but the ephemera of hibiscus petals. At the same time, I am encouraged by the photograph itself. Taken by my friend Maria Banghart, with her son's cheap-o camera at a theme park, I know there is beauty to be found at every turn and real art to be made by everyday people. So, as my Nanny would say: Schlingitiva and Castitute! ( no idea what the spelling should be as I'm not even sure what it means) It sounds bracing and defiant, so I shall shout it as I throw all my pride and caution to the wind and give this thing a try.
photo by Maria Banghart