I have this friend Laurie who could bake you a mouthful of heaven if she wanted. I kid you not. She makes a scone that has changed my world view of the scone. Before Laurie, I used to think the scone was a cruel dry punishment the British had meted on the colonists for our minor insubordination. Now I love the scone dearly...well the 'Laurie Scone' anyway.
Don't get me wrong, she's no mindless baking robot, I could list her attributes all day long: perfect skin (jealous), gorgeous eyes, great nailbeds (envy again), sense of humor for days, compassionate, courageous, intelligent, a great mom and the best friend a girl could find. She volunteers tirelessly and is funky and artistic....just like I like 'em. She has taught me much of what I know about the garden—the garden happens to be one her artistic playgrounds. Her gifts are many but her genius is baked goods. In short, the confections she contrives could easily make your knees buckle. She's the Soup Nazi of Baked Goods...minus the Nazi part....and the Soup...just add Queen. Translation: Queen of Baked Goods.
I wish I had some pictures of her delicious baked goodness so I could make you drool. She has a daughter who is a fantastic photographer. Hopefully that young lady will one day decide to take some snaps of her Mom's art and I will be honored to post them on my blog ( Hint Hint Rachel)
Anyway I saw this post about this incredibly delicious looking business in LA and thought of Laurie and reposted. When she starts sharing her baked goodness with the world I want to be there: I hope I will be the first to blog about it. Maybe she'll let me drive the truck!...or man the counter....or carry her bags. Whatever.
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